If your property has a water tank that carries potable water meant for human consumption, it's required by law that you have a protective coating or liner in place. Failure to do so can result in your water being deemed unsafe for human consumption, as well as hefty fines. But water tank liners don't just keep water safe to drink; they also provide a number of benefits, both for you and for the service life of your tank.
They Help Impermeability
One of the most crucial ways water tank liners can benefit your tank is that they help with any micro-leaks that might otherwise spell disaster for your tank. Not only do they prevent water from leaking out into the surrounding soil, but they also help harmful bacteria or contagions from getting into the water. Whether your tank is designed for personal use or for industrial tanks, water tank liners are key in ensuring reliable, safe service.
They Help Weather Resistance
Not all tanks were created for all environments, and tank liners can help make sure that your tank stands up to the task, regardless of soil quality, weather, or harsh sunlight. One way to ensure your water tank liners are weather-resistant is to consider the weather factors that are in play with your tank. Do not choose a material that is sensitive to UV radiation, which can cause the breakdown of materials and lead to the leaching of carcinogenic chemicals over time.
They're Durable, Flexible, and Easy to Repair
All potable water tank lining must comply with NSF-61 certification requirements, which requires that potable water tanks be inspected to ensure the materials used in the creation of the liner can provide UV stabilization without the use of plasticizers such as PVC, which are harmful for human consumption. Liners not only stand up to regular wear and tear in order to maintain impermeability but when made with materials such as polyethylene and polypropylene, they are able to provide that durability without the necessary added step of an underlayment. Not only that, but these materials make for considerably easier repairs: they can be repaired with onsite welding without damaging the integrity of the liner, which makes for minimal service interruptions when repairs must be made.
Water is the single most important resource on our planet, and it's crucial that drinking water be kept safe and secure. Making the right choice with the tank liners for water systems can ensure that you not only keep potable water safe, but do so in a way that's efficient, durable, and will stand the test of time. If you have questions about the right liner for your tank needs, give our office a call. We'd love to hear from you.