If you want to keep your water free of contamination and also boost the longevity of your water tanks, water tank liners will fit the bill. Here are the qualities of good water tank liners that you should consider.
Ease of Installation
You should select the tank liners for water systems that are easy to install. Even a small water treatment plant will utilize big concrete or metal tanks. Before you settle on a particular tank liner, you should consider the ease of installation. The material used to make the water storage tank liners influences the flexibility of the tank liners. You can get heavy-duty flexible tank liners that will be a breeze to install. Additionally, you should consider the location of your water tanks -- are they underground or above ground? Some water tank liners may be easy to install on underground water tanks but give you a hard time with above-ground tanks.
Custom Sizing
Go for the custom tank liners that are tailor-made to fit your water tanks appropriately. You don’t want to spend top dollar on a water treatment tank lining only to find that it can’t fit your water tanks. It would be much worse if the tank liner cannot be customized in any way to fit your tanks. Today, companies that manufacture tank liners have enough capacity to design and produce custom tank liners for any tank sizes. Before calling them to make an order or to get an estimate, you should have accurate measurements of your tank. This will enable the manufacturers to make customized tank liners for the water tanks in your plant.
Industry Standard Compliance
Tank liners may be made from many different materials such as polyurethane, vinyl ester, stainless steel, zinc, polymer, and epoxy. No matter the material used to fabricate a tank liner, it should meet the industry standards set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and also be certified by National Science Foundation (NSF). These agencies set high standards to safeguard the purity of drinking water that is a basic need for all Americans.
Even though EPA doesn’t regulate underground storage tanks with a capacity of 110 gallons or less, you should invest in the tank liners that meet or exceed industry standards. Depending on the state where your water treatment plant is located, these regulations may vary. Therefore, you need to buy the water tank liners that satisfy your state’s requirements so that you’re in good books with the local authority.
Corrosion Resistance
The primary functions of water tank liners are to prevent water-contamination and preserve the quality of the tanks. Therefore, the water tank liners should be made from chemically-inert materials that make them non-corrosive. Given the different chemicals that you use in your water treatment process, using corrosive water-liners would be a recipe for disaster as it would contaminate the water. That’s why you should make sure that the water tank liners that you select are non-corrosive.
Ultimately, water tank liners will keep your water free of contamination, besides preserving the quality of your water tanks. To enjoy the advantages that tank liners bestow to a water treatment plant, you should buy the best quality of water tank liners from a trusted dealer near you.