What’s the Best Material for Pond Liners?
January 10, 2023 | By: tait_flexiliner 
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A pond is a wonderful thing to have on your property, but it’s not something you can install and neglect, thinking it will continue to thrive. For your pond to work, you must build it properly, install the correct pond liner, and give it regular maintenance. Read on to learn about which materials are best for pond liners.

Why Do You Need Pond Liners?

Before understanding which kind of materials are the best for pond liners, it’s important to learn why you need a pond liner in the first place. By knowing the purpose these liners serve, you can understand why some materials are better than others.

Without the right kind of liner, the water will leak out through the pond base until your pond is empty and your yard is soaking wet. Thankfully, there are both natural pond bottoms and pond liners that can stop this from happening and will preserve the integrity of your pond and yard! Liners can also help stop the spread of algae or other debris from getting into your pond and threatening the flora and fauna of your pond.

Reinforced Polyethylene (RPE)

Reinforced polyethylene (RPE) pond liners are some of the best options for pond liners. They are incredibly durable and puncture-resistant, but they’re not bulky. They are relatively lightweight and thinner compared to some other liners, and they do not require underlayment because of their strength. Those are some benefits of RPE pond liners, but they also have some drawbacks.

RPE liners are reinforced and do not stretch as much as some other pond liners, meaning that installing them may take some work. Depending on the shape and size of your pond, you can fold them around corners and pond shelves, but any other flexing or stretching can be difficult. RPE may be more expensive, but it seems to be the best option overall.

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

Another incredibly common and effective pond liner is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). These liners are cheaper options, but this means they do have some drawbacks. They are heavier than RPE pond liners, but they are not puncture-resistant. However, they are much more flexible, meaning you can fit them into your pond better. This flexibility, unfortunately, comes at a cost. Manufacturers add plasticizers to the PVC to make it flexible, but these contain toxins lethal to pond fish, and the plasticizers can also cause cracks or splits in the liner.

Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM)

Ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) pond liners are a great middle-of-the-road option. These are made from rubber, making them incredibly flexible. They are also fish and plant-safe, but a drawback is that they are quite heavy. They are also not the most puncture-resistant, meaning you will need an underlayment in your pond to protect the liner.

It’s important to figure out the best material for pond liners so your pond can stay healthy, and you can protect your soil from erosion. In addition to finding the right liner for your pond, you must get the right storage tank liners for water and chemical storage. Don’t hesitate to come to us at Flexi-Liner for all your tank and pond lining needs!

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