Plating Tank Liners
From a large chromium plating tank liner to small electroless nickel tank liners, Flexi-liner has the right tank liner for your operation.
Our industrial tank liners are manufactured using top-quality materials and customized designs to withstand the test of time. Our plating tank liner material formulations are developed to safely contain chemicals in a range of concentrations and temperatures.
For example, say you wanted to chrome plate some different materials. It’s an extensive process that relies on you submerging the material you want to coat in an electrolytic bath—and to successfully chrome plate an item, you need a lot of chrome. You shouldn’t handle these materials directly because they can be dangerous, and you similarly shouldn’t store them without investing in the right chrome tank liner. The proper liners for the materials you store will help contain your materials and avoid dangerous leaks or spills that could put you or your business in danger.
To find out how our industrial tank liners can restore life, safety, and function to your plating tanks, talk to one of our knowledgeable representatives today. We have many years of experience assisting the plating industry with safe and reliable plating tank liners that effectively prevent leaks and corrosion. You can contact us via our online form or call us at 800-423-4909.